Remote Quantum Kinesiology (distance)
Online distance session to release stress, clear blocks in your energy field and balance your body.
Service Description
I will tune into your energy field through a surrogation process, to discover where you are blocked in energy, uncover your limited beliefs and any subconscious/ unconscious programs you are running which is keeping you stuck on your path or locked into non serving patterns. I then aim to bring you back into energetic alignment & balance, clear of any physical or energy disturbances. We as human souls are energetic and vibrational in nature, so it makes no difference to the power & potency of the session whether you are in the room with me or located on the other side of the world. Physical pain and emotional releases may be experienced by you as the energy shifts and we dissolve your blockages. Often physical sensations will also be felt via myself as the surrogate, and or information is communicated through me as the conduit via downloads which if I feel is relevant, will relay to you as the client. Clients can request a detailed summary of the session to be sent through at a small additional fee. **All sessions will be offered also as a recording via zoom.
Contact Details