Hello, my name is Belinda and I am a Neuro Energetic Kinesiologist, Forensic Healer, Eye-Motional processes practitioner, Soul Empowerment Mentor & Yoga Teacher.
Through the healing of my own past trauma, I am now devoted to helping others on their personal inner healing & transformational journeys. I help to identify and shift any unhelpful patterns you are running, energy blockages, stuck / heavy emotions, childhood trauma, & empower you to understand yourself more deeply and intimately so you can progress forwards in life & manifest improved states of health, wealth and abundance.
I work with clients in a quantum way to uncover the nature and core root of any issue, health concern, dis ease or disorder. These can be physically related but also mental, emotional even spiritual.
The efficacy in my practice is through releasing you from the shackles of your past including karmic & ancestral trauma, clearing you of disharmony and disturbances in your energy field, which is what can lead to dis ease, ill health, and imbalanced behavioral patterns.
“A mind free from all disturbances is yoga”
​​My inner healing journey....and how kinesiology found me in my life!
At the time my daughter was born, I sadly and very suddenly lost my mum through alcohol addiction. This was the catalyst that sent me on a transformational journey of self-discovery to seek clarity around some of my own unresolved, unexpressed past childhood traumas. Just two weeks prior to my mother's sudden death, I gave birth to my daughter. As you can imagine a truly joyful time of my life very swiftly turned into tragic loss and grief. As a results of 3 major life changing events in my life, and in such quick succession, I suffered a great deal of deep emotional stress, unprocessed grief and anxiety, which later was explained to me as CPTSD. (complex post-traumatic stress disorder).
My marriage had broken down around the same time, which created even more stress on my body, dramatic loss of weight, feeling drained, hopeless, deep despair, fatigued and depleted of energy. Adrenal fatigue was still relatively misunderstood at that time, so being prescribed anti-depressants and advised to see a psychologist was standard practice. A marriage separation, a sudden death, & left to raise 3 small children on my own caused my already fragile state to crumble under that emotional pressure. My light had truly begun to fade.
Despite my best efforts of trying almost everything possible to seek answers for my soul fatigue and & feeling completely powerless & ready to give up, I had resigned myself to a life of enduring daily pain in my body, exhaustion and complete energy depletion. This is what not dealing with your inner emotional pain can look like. It was like my life force had been sucked out of me.​
I felt trapped in a body that no longer served me, and felt mentally emotionally, physically and even spiritually burnt out and broken. It took me to reach the lowest point in my life of this mental and emotional breakdown to finally wake up and seek real answers. I just wanted to return to me former vibrant self, not this shell of a person I had morphed into; feeling lost, disconnected and stuck! I found my answers through kinesiology and is what catapulted me to the healed version of me you see now, some 12 years later.​
​​Once on this path, it opened me up to unlocking and releasing a great deal of other suppressed, undealt with, unhealed trauma from my long ago past, and some deep-seated mental conditioning I had lived with for the majority of my life. You see growing up with a verbally abusive & controlling father and a mother who fell prey to his control and manipulation over the years, set me up for several dysfunctional relationships to follow. This included narcissistic abuse and patterns of being controlled heavily by males. My mother also suffered substance abuse and addiction to mask her own internal pain which also is what took her life abruptly.
So growing up in a volatile environment coupled with low self-worth and self-esteem from a hyper critical father, it led me to make poor choices in my intimate relationships and to also mask my own inner pain through being a people pleaser. Anything to avoid conflict and further ridicule I though was the answer. It's from this place however I discovered the core root of my trauma which had stemmed from a highly chaotic, unpredictable and dysfunctional upbringing. Bit by bit, I began to carefully dismantle the seemingly broken parts of myself only to discover I was not broken after all. Neither are you. However, you may need to do deeper introspection work around those unhealed shadow parts, and with the expert guidance of myself as a specialized practitioner, I will hand hold you through the healing process so you can return to your true sovereign self & feel whole & complete.​​
I must say at my lowest point it came down to 2 choices. Stay in my pain & sufferance or find the answers and heal it. Taking responsibility for my own inner healing journey was the precursor for what was to come. Although I had done extensive inner work on myself & after relocating to FNQ in 2017, I knew my marriage that I had returned to post my mums death was no longer aligned to me. You see I had outgrown it and from a deeper soul level knew that to stay in that relationship would inhibit my personal growth and restrict my soul's expansion.
Although I experienced a great deal of push back and back lash from leaving this relationship, followed by parental alienation I was able to move through it with the tools and techniques I had learnt over the years and have now also crafted a specific program for empowering females to align and attract their true soul mate relationship through first healing the one they have with themself. See my program details: 'Attract You Soul Mate' or my signature program 'Align Attract Abundance'
Kinesiology is not a band aid fix but instead gets to the core root of an issue to help you heal from the inside out!!!
And for more information, videos, insights ad teachings, you can jump across to my social media and find me on FB & Insta @livingbalancekinesiology